Comic 87
Back-up Vocal~ Another strip inspired by one of those “right place, right time” off-hand comments. Recently, I went to see a friend play an acoustic set at a tavern. One of those performances with 3 or 4 local bands on the same stage. Turned out, I knew the bass player in one of the bands. We had been students at the same community college, where I had gone to take a Web Design class. He recognized me and we got to talking. Mason is a really friendly guy, a great bass player and his band is excellent. Check out Red Room Effect on Facebook. The band told the crowd that they were selling copies of the EP for their forth coming debut album, for anyone who wanted them. Mason chimed in with ” Please, want them!”, and I was off to the races, cooking up a new script.
This is really my favorite kind of strip to make. I love those moments when Manny and Soxx get bombastic and silly together. Truth be told, if you need to fire up a crowd, Soxx IS the “Hype Man” you want. Get Soxx to believe your cause or product, then stand back and watch him FLY!!!!