Comic 161
Back-up Vocal~ Mannyacs is not a political Comic. Never was. Never will be.
That said, this Comic was inspired by and created during the height of the Presidential Election race in 2016. When I started this story arc, the notion for it was sparked by one simple truth. I could not afford to go to Summer NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants- think Comic-Con for guitars, drums, amps, etc). So, I decided that if I couldn’t go to the biggest guitar show of the year, then Splendorland University would host their own, with Manny and the guys as the guests of honor. They were going….and you were all coming with us. That’s it. That’s all I knew. I had no clue where the tale would lead beyond that point. I just let it go where it wanted and followed to the best of my ability.
There was some real life family chaos that erupted shortly after the first 10 Comics in this story were done. I was needed elsewhere. So, it got shelved for a few months. When things had worked themselves out and I could return to the story, it was late October, 2016. I found that a few elements had morphed on their own in my absence and some notions had to be tweaked to accommodate them. In addition, due to some technical glitches, I was forced to move the Mannyacs website to a new host and server. So, there were a fair number of changes that accompanied the sweep of this particular tale. Round trip, it took 9 months to tell. As a result, Summer NAMM 2016 and Winter NAMM 2017 were both done before this story was.
This was well over 20 Comics for one excursion with Manny and the boys. The longest arc yet. Fearing that this little Splendorland Chronicle was in danger of getting away from me, I knew I needed to find an ending for it. This was the one time that real world political happenings provided a concept for me to apply in my little zoo. So, I ran with it. The beautiful byproduct of it, is that it opened some doors to new story prospects as well.
We thank you all for indulging us. Stay tooned.